Quality Care

You have a right to receive the best possible care and safe equipment available within our hospital. 


You are responsible for:-

  • Being an informed and involved member.
  • Safeguarding any personal valuables you bring with you.
  • Cooperating with the hospital staff as required.
  • Not smoking within the hospital premises.
  • Exercising care and caution within the hospital.

Working Days

We are open 24 Hours everyday of the year with flexible visiting hours for patients.


Our emergency team is always ready to transfer patients from accident scenes to the hospital for treatment. 

Dignity & Respect

You have a right to be treated with dignity and respect. 


You are responsible  for:-

  • Abiding to the rules and regulations of the hospital.
  • Treating hospital staff and all other persons within the hospital with dignity and respect.
  • Refraining from abusive language and violent behavior.


You have a right to:-

  • Ask and receive information & answers on matters relating to your health care within our hospital in a language you understand.
  • Be addressed formally and know the name and title of the person serving you. 
  • Share your views and concerns.
  • Be given copies of your health records in accordance to hospital policy.
  • Receive timely feedback.
  • Give feedback to the hospital via our suggestion box or the form in our contact us page. 
You have a responsible for:-
  • Giving accurate and true information as required.
  • Asking and voicing your concern until you are satisfied.
  • Reporting any concerns on your patient safety and quality care.




You have the right to confidentiality of all your health information and care as well as privacy against all others except your care givers.


You are responsible for respecting the privacy of others within the hospital premises.

Choice of Treatment Care

You have a right to:-

  • Understand all risks and benefits of any treatment & investigation given.
  • Refuse any treatment or investigation against medical advise.
  • A doctor of your choice as long as they have rights within our hospital.
  • Refuse to participate in any research without your consent.

You are responsible for:-

  • Disclosing all prior information about your health.
  • Giving consent to treatment offered.
  • Any consequence from any refusal of treatment.
  • Following the treatment plan as agreed with your doctor.
  • Keeping or cancelling any appointments.

Secondary Decision Maker

You have a right to appoint someone to make health care decisions on your behalf, if you cannot but within the confines of the Kenyan law.


You are responsible for:-

  • Providing details of your secondary decision maker to act on your behalf.
  • Ensuring your secondary decision maker understands your wishes.


You have a right to:-

  • Receive a bill of services given.
  • Get an explanation for any items on the bill given to you.

You are responsible for paying your bills in accordance to hospital policy.